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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61774001), the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 17BJY103), the Key Project of Scientific and Technological Research in Hebei Province, China (Grant No. ZD2015133), and the Construction Project of Graduate Demonstration Course in Hebei Province, China (Grant No. 94/220079). Peng-Bin He was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2017JJ2045).
We use the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation to investigate field-driven domain wall propagation in magnetic nanotubes. We find that the distortion is maximum as the time becomes infinite and the exact rigid-body solutions are obtained analytically. We also find that the velocity increases with increasing the ratio of inner radius and outer radius. That is to say, we can accelerate domain wall motion not only by increasing the magnetic field, but also by reducing the thickness of the nanotubes.
Owing to the tubular structure, the magnetic nanotubes have different properties compared with other nanomaterials. For magnetic nanotubes, magnetism is one of the main features and its magnetic properties can be used to record information, information transmission,[1–3] and realize logic devices.[4,5] In recent years researchers have synthesized many types of nanotubes[6–9] through continuous exploration, and often use the inside radius, outside radius, and length to describe the nanotubes. In the application of biology, both inside and outside nanotubes have strong surface activity, which can be used in other substances, adsorption in drug load, targeted therapy, and cell culture.[10] In the application of chemistry, the magnetic nanotube has a catalytic performance which is far greater than other nanoparticles. Hence, the magnetic nanotubes in catalytic chemistry have important research significance.[11]
In the research of nanomaterial magnetic problems, the domain wall (DW)[12–15] in the nanostructures plays a very important role. Most of the previous studies on DW propagation in magnetic nanostructures focused on flat strips.[16–19] A great deal of research has already been done, but most are related to one- and two-dimensional nanostructures, while the research on three dimensional nanotubes is lacking. In general, the motion of a DW can be driven by a magnetic field[19–23] or spin-polarized current.[24–27] On the flat strips, the well-known Walker breakdown of DWs[28] presents a major obstacle. Above a critical velocity, when the Walker breakdown occurs, the original DW structure collapses and it results in an abrupt drop of DW velocity. Still under discussion is whether there is an alternative to the Walker breakdown on the magnetic nanotubes. Analytic models by Landeros and coworkers predicted a decrease in velocity after a certain threshold.[29,30] Simulations by Yan et al. claimed the suppression of the breakdown, at least in certain geometric dimensions.[31] If this is the case, the domain wall velocities could reach the phase velocity regime, which in turn would lead to Cherenkov-like spin wave emission.[32] Magnetic nanotubes belong to a new class of interesting materials where the surface curvatures strongly influence the magnetization, thereby having a dominant effect on the magnetic response. The DW type studied here is the vortex-like DW in cylindrical nanotubes.
In the present paper, we investigate the dynamics of a DW in magnetic nanotubes under a magnetic field. We assume the magnetic manotubes to be confined within ideal cylindrical shapes, as shown in Fig.
The dynamics of magnetization is described by the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation[33,34]
With the characteristic time t0 = μ0MsR2/(γA) and length
The Walker solution analysis[36–38] has been extensively adopted to investigate the moving DW in response to a magnetic field[39–42] or spin-polarized current.[43–50] The main idea of the so-called Walker method is to simplify the DW motion into a dynamic problem described by the center position and rotation angle. Therefore, the dynamics of a single DW can be qualitatively comprehended by one-dimensional analytical models that predict a rigid-body propagation below the Walker breakdown and an oscillatory DW motion above it.[39–41] To this purpose, we follow Walker’s analysis of domain-wall motion by introducing a trial function
Substituting this trial function in Eq. (
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) The DW angle ϕ, width W, velocity V, and the displacement z0 as a function of time t. The parameters are κ = 0.3, α = 0.1, and h = 0.5. |
From Fig.
In the initial time t = 0, ϕ = 0, and the initial DW velocity is zero. Under the conjunctive action of external field and damping the DW velocity attains the maximum at t → ∞
We estimate this displacement by integrating the velocity
As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) The curve of domain wall width W and velocity V with the change of β. The parameters are κ = 0.3, α = 0.1, and h = 0.2. |
It is interesting to study the energy variation under the field, i.e., dE/dt = Pα + Ph, with Pα = −h2W(∞)/α2 and Ph = 0. The first term Pα is the intrinsic damping power due to all kinds of damping mechanisms described by the phenomenological parameter. Ph is the external power. Note that the intrinsic damping power is always negative, whereas the total energy change rate is proportional to the negative DW velocity. Thus, energy is absorbed by the external field source. If we apply a constant magnetic field, the system is under the influence of the damping effect, the energy will gradually decrease. This shows that the damping effect is dissipated energy.
In this paper, we have solved the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation with the magnetic field. We propose a trial function to analytically obtain solutions for domain-wall dynamics. Finally, the distortion is maximum and the exact rigid-body solutions are obtained analytically. The DW can achieve greater velocity in magnetic nanotubes than the rigid-body DW in ferromagnetic nanowires driven by the same magnetic field. We find the velocity becomes bigger with the increasing ratio of inner radius and outer radius. That is to say, we can accelerate domain wall motion, not only by increasing the magnetic field, but also by reducing the thickness of the nanotubes.
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